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var CanvasImage = function(image){

// If jquery object is passed in, get html element

this.imgEl = (image.jquery)? image[0]: image;

this.canvas = document.createElement('canvas'),

    this.context = this.canvas.getContext('2d');


this.width = this.canvas.width = $(this.imgEl).width(),

this.height = this.canvas.height = $(this.imgEl).height();

this.context.drawImage(this.imgEl, 0, 0);


CanvasImage.prototype.clear = function() {

this.context.clearRect(0, 0, this.width, this.height);  


CanvasImage.prototype.update = function(imageData) {

this.context.putImageData(imageData, 0, 0);


CanvasImage.prototype.getPixelCount = function() {

return this.width * this.height;


CanvasImage.prototype.getImageData = function() {

return this.context.getImageData(0, 0, this.width, this.height);


CanvasImage.prototype.removeCanvas = function() {




 * getDominantColor(sourceImage)

 * returns {r: num, g: num, b: num}


 * Use the median cut algorithm provided by quantize.js to cluster similar

 * colors and return the base color from the largest cluster.


function getDominantColor(sourceImage){

var palette = [];

// Create custom CanvasImage object

var image = new CanvasImage(sourceImage),

imageData = image.getImageData(),

pixels = imageData.data,

pixelCount = image.getPixelCount();


// Store the RGB values in an array format suitable for quantize function

var pixelArray = [];

for (var i = 0; i < pixelCount; i++) {  

// If pixel is mostly opaque and not white

if(pixels[i*4+3] >= 125){

if(!(pixels[i*4] > 250 && pixels[i*4+1] > 250 && pixels[i*4+2] > 250)){

  pixelArray.push( [pixels[i*4], pixels[i*4+1], pixels[i*4+2]]);




// Send array to quantize function which clusters values

// using median cut algorithm

var cmap = MMCQ.quantize(pixelArray, 5);

var newPalette = cmap.palette();

// Clean up


return {r: newPalette[0][0], g: newPalette[0][1], b: newPalette[0][2]};



 * createPalette(sourceImage, colorCount)

 * returns array[ {r: num, g: num, b: num}, {r: num, g: num, b: num}, ...]


 * Use the median cut algorithm provided by quantize.js to cluster similar

 * colors.


 * BUGGY: Function does not always return the requested amount of colors. It can be +/- 2.


function createPalette(sourceImage, colorCount){

var palette = [];

// Create custom CanvasImage object

var image = new CanvasImage(sourceImage),

imageData = image.getImageData(),

pixels = imageData.data,

pixelCount = image.getPixelCount();


// Store the RGB values in an array format suitable for quantize function

var pixelArray = [];

for (var i = 0; i < pixelCount; i++) {  

// If pixel is mostly opaque and not white

if(pixels[i*4+3] >= 125){

if(!(pixels[i*4] > 250 && pixels[i*4+1] > 250 && pixels[i*4+2] > 250)){

    pixelArray.push( [pixels[i*4], pixels[i*4+1], pixels[i*4+2]]);




// Send array to quantize function which clusters values

// using median cut algorithm

var cmap = MMCQ.quantize(pixelArray, colorCount);

var newPalette = cmap.palette();

// Clean up


return newPalette;



 * getAverageRGB(sourceImage)

 * returns {r: num, g: num, b: num}


 * Add up all pixels RGB values and return average.

 * Tends to return muddy gray/brown color. Most likely, you'll be better

 * off using getDominantColor() instead.


function getAverageRGB(sourceImage) {

// Config

var sampleSize = 10;

// Create custom CanvasImage object

var image = new CanvasImage(sourceImage),

imageData = image.getImageData(),

pixels = imageData.data,

pixelCount = image.getPixelCount();  

// Reset vars

var i = 0,

count = 0,

rgb = {r:0,g:0,b:0};

// Loop through every # pixels. (# is set in Config above via the blockSize var)

// Add all the red values together, repeat for blue and green.

// Last step, divide by the number of pixels checked to get average.

    while ( (i += sampleSize * 4) < pixelCount ) {

// if pixel is mostly opaque

if(pixels[i+3] > 125){


rgb.r += pixels[i];

       rgb.g += pixels[i+1];

       rgb.b += pixels[i+2];



  rgb.r = Math.floor(rgb.r/count);

    rgb.g = Math.floor(rgb.g/count);

    rgb.b = Math.floor(rgb.b/count);

return rgb;



 * createAreaBasedPalette(sourceImage, colorCount)

 * returns array[ {r: num, g: num, b: num}, {r: num, g: num, b: num}, ...]


 * Break the image into sections. Loops through pixel RGBS in the section and average color.

 * Tends to return muddy gray/brown color. You're most likely better off using createPalette().


 * BUGGY: Function does not always return the requested amount of colors. It can be +/- 2.



function createAreaBasedPalette(sourceImage, colorCount){

var palette = [];

// Create custom CanvasImage object

var image = new CanvasImage(sourceImage),

imageData = image.getImageData(),

pixels = imageData.data,

pixelCount = image.getPixelCount();  

// How big a pixel area does each palette color get

var rowCount = colCount = Math.round(Math.sqrt(colorCount)),

colWidth = Math.round(image.width / colCount),

rowHeight = Math.round(image.height / rowCount);

var count = offset = rowOffset = vertOffset = horizOffset = 0,

rgb = {r:0,g:0,b:0};

// Loop through pixels section by section.

// At the end of each section, push the average rgb color to palette array.

for(var i=0; i<rowCount; i++){

vertOffset = i * rowHeight * image.width * 4;

for(var j=0; j<colCount; j++){

horizOffset = j * colWidth * 4;

for( var k = 0; k < rowHeight; k++){

rowOffset = k * image.width * 4;

for( var l = 0; l < colWidth; l++){

offset = vertOffset + horizOffset + rowOffset + (l * 4);

   rgb.r += pixels[offset];

       rgb.g += pixels[offset+1];

       rgb.b += pixels[offset+2];




rgb.r = Math.floor(rgb.r/count);

   rgb.g = Math.floor(rgb.g/count);

   rgb.b = Math.floor(rgb.b/count);


// reset before next section

rgb = {r:0,g:0,b:0};

count = 0;



return palette;



1. 如何使用jquery插件截取图片颜色调

2. 如何使用javascript/jQuery预先加载图片

3. 如何使用jQuery或者javascript处理Cookie?

4. 如何使用jQuery加载js脚本

5. 如何使用details元素和summary元素

6. 如何使用CSS生成一个三角形?

7. 浅谈如何使用HTML5的Canvas绘图

8. 如何使用 HTML5 的 Notification API

9. 移动中间件2.0时代,企业如何使用HTML5

10. 10款web前端超实用jQuery插件大合集


上一篇:jQuery插件——jRating评分插件源码分析 下一篇:Jquery+CSS3实现一款简洁大气带滑动效果的弹出层


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