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        据外媒报道,2010年史蒂夫·乔布斯(Steve Jobs)曾针对Flash发表言论,称这种视频技术将很快被HTML5取代。四年后的今天Rapt Media CEO埃里卡·陶德曼(Erika Trautman)认为HTML5的时代已经到来。
  Late Apple cofounder Steve Jobs famouslywent on a tirade against Flash back in 2010 when he said that the videotechnology was on borrowed time and would soon be replaced by HTML5. WhileFlash is very much still with us four years later, Rapt Media CEO ErikaTrautman thinks that HTML5′s time has finally arrived.
  Writing over at The Next Web, Trautman saysthat the mobile revolution led by iOS and Android is making Flash increasinglyirrelevant to many users who surf the web through their smartphones andtablets.
  “Since HTML5’s introduction, mobile has been touted as one of thepublishing language’s largest advantages,” she writes. “And since iOS and manyAndroid devices don’t support Flash, Flash is bound to PCs – a market which,according to Gartner, saw a 10 percent decline in shipments in 2013 from 2012.”
  Trautman also notes that HTML5 is helpingmore developers create browser-based online games while also explaining howHTML5 videos are a more natural fit for search engine optimization (SEO) thanFlash videos.
  In all, we shouldn’t expect Flash to goaway anytime soon since it’s long been the standard for web videos and will**ly remain so for quite some time for desktop users. However, the increasingimportance of mobile video means that it might finally by HTML5′s time toshine.


1. 乔布斯遗言成真:2014年HTML5将取代Flash

2. BBC已经在新闻页面用HTML5取代Flash

3. 一张图看清2014年HTML5游戏发展趋势

4. W3C计划HTML5规格2014年完成,2016年公布HTML 5.1

5. 乔布斯传电子书暗藏木马 14万人遭攻击

6. W3C计划2014年推出HTML5标准 2016年推5.1版

7. 2012年HTML5将现杀手级应用

8. 2012年HTML5的14大预测

9. 2012年HTML5:14个大胆预言

10. HTML5应用开发普及,浏览器或将取代应用商店


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